Cruzar el Río Cañete, dejando que el viento acaricie tu rostro y llevándote una increíble vista del valle fértil de Lunahuaná, convierten a esta actividad en una de las experiencias necesarias en tu “bucket list” de viajero. Serán 30 minutos de full adrenalina, con todas las medidas de seguridad.
No pierdas la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia diferente, con todos los protocolos de bioseguridad.
- Traslados desde su hotel
- Equipo de protección y seguridad: arnés, casco, manoplas.
- Instructores certificados
Duración: 1 hora

Services Recreation
View the included services
- 1 bed
- 2 beds
- economy
- standard
- double standard
- king size
- luxury room
- villa
Free Wi-Fi
- everywhere
- in the room
- at the reception
- outdooords
- at the buffet
You can rent a car and use a free parking zone
- 100000 m
- 3000 cars
- security
- free
- near the hotel
Sports and recreation
- Ski
- Aphine skiing
- Snowboarding
- Trekking
- Biking
- Swimming
- Tennis
hot deals
The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle.
What people say about us
Check the reviews by Tripster members!
Danny Betteridge reviewed tour to London
I was visiting London last week and was astonished with the high quality service the team provided
Lily Waters reviewed tour to Cappadocia
It was amazing! I enjoyed every minute of my tour and the guides were really helpful and assisted my group through all the way!